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Specialised Access Solutions are Covid-19 Secure

We're Covid-19 secure! Following a recent HSE spot check, Specialised Access Solutions were found to be following all of the safety guidance.
Published on 20/06/2020

Specialised Access Solutions recently carried out work on behalf of HJ Martin Construction in Manchester.

While completing this work, the Health & Safety Executive made unannounced spot checks to some sites in the area, including ours, to assess working practises.

Several sites were closed follwing these checks. However, we're delighted that HSE were happy with the systems and risk assessments that we had put in place on our site and signed our work off as Covid-19 secure.

Specialised Access Solutions are committed to working safely on all of our customer sites and are following all government guidance. Where appropriate, PPE and other safety equipment is used.

Posted by Neil Roberts